Friday 22 April 2011

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Sunday 9 January 2011

Actor Release Forms


Props and Costume List

Props List

Name of Prop

Prop Description

Cast Member

Photo Album

Red photo album, full of pictures.

Layla and Nial

Glass of Water

Small glass, half filled.



Large vodka bottle, filled with water instead of alcohol.


Pain Killers

Two pots of pain killers, small tablets scattered on dresser.



Overdue bills hidden under photo album.


Costume List





White T-shirt, baggy jeans and grey cardigan.

Minimal red eye shadow


White T-shirt, scruffy jeans


Annotated Script

Shot List

Shot list.

Scene one

C/U- Bills thrown out of a box.
High angle C/U- A box full of personal belongings.
C/U- Pick up album and stroke cover.
C/U- Photographs.

E/C/U- Side of face.
M/S- Reach for vodka and pills.
C/U- Layla’s face.
M/S- Feels cardigan.
E/C/U- Inhaling scent of cardigan.
E/C/U- Look at the door.
C/U- Covers bills with cardigan.
M/S- Layla wipes her face and looks around.

W/S- Layla sitting on the floor.
W/S- Layla stands up and looks out the window.
M/W/S- Turns and walks back.
High angle- Layla sits by door.
C/U- Packs at cardigan sleeve.
M/W- Layla moves away from the door.
Low angle M/S- Layla’s feet.
Low angle M/S- Layla sits on bed and hides face.

Low angle W/S- Nial walks in.
C/U- Nial puts glass on the table.
W/S- Nial picks up album.
C/U- Nial’s hand strokes the album.
C/U- Nial closes album and sees bills.
M/S- Nial looks at Layla and she moves away.
C/U- Layla’s arm, Nial reaches out and Layla moves away.
M/C/U- Layla turns head away.

M/W/S- Nial pulls Layla into a hug.
M/W/S- Layla pushes him away.
C/U- Layla plays with sleeve of cardigan.
W/S- Nial has head in hands.
M/C/U- Layla looks at Nial.
M/C/U- Nial cries.
M/C/U- Nial looks up at Layla.
M/W- Layla reaches her hand out.

M/C/U- Nial looks at hand and Layla.
Tilt Left
M/C/U- Layla’s face.
M/W/S- Layla pulls him into a hug.
C/U- Nial puts cheek on top of her head.
C/U- Nial’s hand brushes strand of hair.
C/U- Layla opens eyes.
M/W- Layla pulls away and wipes her face.
Over Shoulder
M/W- Nial wipes Layla’s tears.

C/U- Layla meets Nial’s gaze.
M/C/U- Layla pulls hand away.
Tilt down
M/C/U- Holding hands.
W/S- Both stare at each other.
M/S- Layla leans into Nial.
M/C/U- Nial frowns.
M/C/U- Lean into each other.
W/S- Moving bodies closer to each other.

C/U- Holding hands brings to Layla’s face.
M/S- Touch foreheads and look at each other.
Over shoulder
C/U- Layla’s face.

Call Sheet


Breakdown Sheets