Sunday 9 January 2011

Shot List

Shot list.

Scene one

C/U- Bills thrown out of a box.
High angle C/U- A box full of personal belongings.
C/U- Pick up album and stroke cover.
C/U- Photographs.

E/C/U- Side of face.
M/S- Reach for vodka and pills.
C/U- Layla’s face.
M/S- Feels cardigan.
E/C/U- Inhaling scent of cardigan.
E/C/U- Look at the door.
C/U- Covers bills with cardigan.
M/S- Layla wipes her face and looks around.

W/S- Layla sitting on the floor.
W/S- Layla stands up and looks out the window.
M/W/S- Turns and walks back.
High angle- Layla sits by door.
C/U- Packs at cardigan sleeve.
M/W- Layla moves away from the door.
Low angle M/S- Layla’s feet.
Low angle M/S- Layla sits on bed and hides face.

Low angle W/S- Nial walks in.
C/U- Nial puts glass on the table.
W/S- Nial picks up album.
C/U- Nial’s hand strokes the album.
C/U- Nial closes album and sees bills.
M/S- Nial looks at Layla and she moves away.
C/U- Layla’s arm, Nial reaches out and Layla moves away.
M/C/U- Layla turns head away.

M/W/S- Nial pulls Layla into a hug.
M/W/S- Layla pushes him away.
C/U- Layla plays with sleeve of cardigan.
W/S- Nial has head in hands.
M/C/U- Layla looks at Nial.
M/C/U- Nial cries.
M/C/U- Nial looks up at Layla.
M/W- Layla reaches her hand out.

M/C/U- Nial looks at hand and Layla.
Tilt Left
M/C/U- Layla’s face.
M/W/S- Layla pulls him into a hug.
C/U- Nial puts cheek on top of her head.
C/U- Nial’s hand brushes strand of hair.
C/U- Layla opens eyes.
M/W- Layla pulls away and wipes her face.
Over Shoulder
M/W- Nial wipes Layla’s tears.

C/U- Layla meets Nial’s gaze.
M/C/U- Layla pulls hand away.
Tilt down
M/C/U- Holding hands.
W/S- Both stare at each other.
M/S- Layla leans into Nial.
M/C/U- Nial frowns.
M/C/U- Lean into each other.
W/S- Moving bodies closer to each other.

C/U- Holding hands brings to Layla’s face.
M/S- Touch foreheads and look at each other.
Over shoulder
C/U- Layla’s face.

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